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Bring together business information silos

Excel, SQL, CSV, PDF all in one place.

Simplify Excel Data Management with AtWrk's Intuitive Zero Code Data Tool

Tired of wrestling with Excel data complexities? AtWrk, a leading cloud software provider in the UK,

has a solution to streamline your data management process.


Meet "Datasets," our innovative zero-code data tool that effortlessly transforms Excel data into dynamic, online resources.

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Effortless Excel Data Management

With AtWrk's Datasets, you can say goodbye to manual data handling. This tool lets you convert Excel data into interactive online resources with real-time updates. No more version control issues – access the latest data whenever and wherever you need it.

Simple and Intuitive

What makes Datasets stand out is its user-friendly approach. You don't need to be a tech expert to use it.


The intuitive drag-and-drop interface makes dataset creation and management a breeze. Whether you're experienced in data management or new to it, Datasets is designed to be accessible to all.

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Seamless Integration

Datasets are not isolated tools. They seamlessly integrate with other AtWrk modules, enhancing your data management capabilities.


Connect Datasets with our cloud-based back office and mobile apps to streamline your entire workflow and collaborate efficiently across your organisation.

Data-Driven Decision Making

Beyond data management, Datasets empowers you to make informed decisions.


Gain real-time insights, spot trends, and analyze patterns, allowing you to strategize effectively and drive your business forward.

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Experience the AtWrk Advantage

Transform your Excel data management with AtWrk's zero-code data tool - Datasets.


Embrace simplicity, seamless integration, and data-driven decision-making with our user-friendly platform. Join today and elevate your data management game with AtWrk's cutting-edge technology.

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